Weightliting for Women

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I want to talk to you about lifting weights and getting bulky if you're a female.

I'm here to tell you that it's absolutely not true.

You are not going to look like the Terminator, big shoulders, and look like a football player.

It's not going to happen.

Lifting weights is going to improve your body.

It's going to firm it up.

You're going to be more toned.

The difference between cardio and weights in terms of burning calories is this.

When you're doing cardio, you're burning calories at that sitting, right at that time.

When you're lifting weights, you're burning calories after the work out.

What does that mean?

That means you're burning calories throughout the day, even while you're sleeping.

So lifting weights and doing cardio essentially collectively together is very, very important to obtain a lean, toned body.

So women, I'm here to tell you please lift weight.

it's going to help you accomplish your fitness goals.

I promise you that.